
Camille Claudel and Bernhard Hoetger

12th Septermber 2026 - 10th January 2027

Exposition temporaire

12th Septermber 2026 - 10th January 2027

Exposition temporaire

Practical information

Place :

In the Time of Camille Claudel: Being a Sculptress in Paris

13 septembre 2025 - 4 janvier 2026

Exposition temporaire

In the Time of Camille Claudel: Being a Sculptress in Paris
13 septembre 2025 - 4 janvier 2026

Exposition temporaire

Camille Claudel and her work have been the subject of numerous monographic exhibitions, but rarely has attention been given to her artistic and cultural milieu. In particular, women artists who followed a similar path remain largely unknown. Through this project, the Musée Camille Claudel, the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, and the Musée de Pont-Aven aim to bring these figures out of obscurity, showcasing the original creations of exceptional sculptresses—atelier companions, friends, or rivals of Camille Claudel — who shared her vivid imagination and undeniable talent.

Alongside the sculptresses' works, their painted or photographic portraits in their studios and letters exchanged between Camille Claudel and her peers will bring to life the network of female artists known to Claudel during her career, from her early experiments in late 19th-century Paris to her confinement in March 1913.

An exhibition by the Musée Camille Claudel, in partnership with the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours and the Musée de Pont-Aven.

Photo: Camille Claudel and Ghita Theuriet, circa 1882 © Archives of the Musée Camille Claudel

Practical information

Place :

Camille Claudel at Work: Sakountala

From 14th September 2024 to 12th January 2025

Exposition temporaire

Camille Claudel at Work: Sakountala
From 14th September 2024 to 12th January 2025

Exposition temporaire

Celebrating the 160th anniversary of Camille Claudel's birth, the Camille Claudel honours the sculptor through one of her major works: Sakountala. 

The exhibition "Camille Claudel at Work: Sakountala" delves into the creation of this masterpiece with a tumultuous history. Inspired by Hindu mythology, the artist's very first monumental sculpture experienced both success and controversy before falling into oblivion.
Gathering nearly 100 objects, the exhibition revisits the creative process of Sakountala, its reception history, its literary inspiration, and the many variations Camille Claudel proposed at the end of her career.

With exceptional loans from the Rodin Museum, the National Library of France, and the Orsay Museum has been labeled "Exhibition of National Interest" by the French Ministry of Culture.




Affiche : Agence Drôles d'oiseaux

Practical information

Place : Horaires & Tarifs :

Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays



All Saints' Day

Friday November 1st

Public Holiday

Friday November 1st

Public Holiday

The Camille Claudel Museum is closed on November 1st.

It will be open on November 2nd and 3rd, from 10 am to 5 pm.

Practical information

Place :

Fabienne Verdier: Alchemy of a stained glass window

April - September 2022

April - September 2022

Six years after creating the stained glass windows in the choir of Saint-Laurent church, painter Fabienne Verdier returned to Nogent-sur-Seine for an unprecedented exhibition open to the city. She showed how her collaboration with stained glass specialist Flavie Serrière Vincent-Petit enabled her to appropriate this new medium, drawing on the history of stained glass in the Champagne region. They used the emblematic technique of silver yellow and grisaille, adapted to contemporary aesthetics and the bay format of a 15th century church

Practical information

Place :

10, rue Gustave Flaubert
10400 Nogent-sur-Seine

À télécharger : Pour en savoir plus : communiqué de presse

From pen to chisel: Camille Claudel's correspondence

September 2023 - January 2024

From pen to chisel: Camille Claudel's correspondence

September 2023 - January 2024

To celebrate the acquisition of six letters written by Camille Claudel to Eugène Blot, the museum presented some fifteen of the artist's letters in its permanent collections. Exhibited alongside the sculptures, these writings shed light on the genesis and reception of the works, and highlight Camille Claudel's supporters: publisher Eugène Blot, sculptor Auguste Rodin and art critics Mathias Morhardt and Gustave Geffroy. Beyond the valuable information these letters provided on the works, they embodied Camille Claudel, who shared her enthusiasms, doubts and torments with her correspondents.


Practical information

Place :

Alfred Boucher, from studio to museum

30 mars - 28 juillet 2024

Exposition temporaire

Alfred Boucher, from studio to museum
30 mars - 28 juillet 2024

Exposition temporaire

Alfred Boucher, a renowned artist showered with honours and commissions in his day, is largely unknown today. The exhibition Alfred Boucher, de l'atelier au musée pays tribute to the sculptor who was Camille Claudel's first teacher, as well as a collector and philanthropist. The exhibition brings together some 130 works - sculptures, paintings, drawings and ceramics - that Alfred Boucher donated to the town of Nogent-sur-Seine at the dawn of the 20th century, a collection taken from the museum's reserves and entirely restored for the occasion. Inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the intimacy of Boucher's studio, the scenography is freely inspired by the jumble that reigned there, known thanks to a series of stereoscopic photographs. 


Practical information

Place : Horaires & Tarifs :



Billet d’entrée collections permanentes et exposition temporaire :

Plein tarif : 10 euros

Tarif réduit : 6 euros  (seniors de plus de 60 ans et titulaires d’une carte de famille nombreuse)

Gratuit pour les étudiants et les moins de 26 ans,  les titulaires du Pass Education, d'une carte de presse, d’une carte du ministère de la Culture, d’une carte ICOM, les adhérents à la maison des artistes, les demandeurs d’emploi, les bénéficiaires du RSA ou du minimum vieillesse, les mutilés de guerre et accompagnateur, les visiteurs handicapés et accompagnateur



Activités en lien : Billetterie À télécharger : Dossier de presse

Le Musée caché 2023

13 juin – 17 septembre 

Exposition de photographies en plein air

Le Musée caché 2023
13 juin – 17 septembre 

Exposition de photographies en plein air

Since September 2022, Nogent-sur-Seine school children have been participating in an ambitious artistic project with the Nature Association of Nogentais and photographer Philippe Brame.

Nature is the common theme of the artworks and archaeological objects "hidden" in the selected reserves by the students. During sessions at the museum and outdoors, they were able to observe, understand, write about, and photograph nature, whether real or represented.

From this project, an exhibition of photographs was born, combining the students' snapshots with the museum's artworks: to be visited throughout the summer!

Practical information

Place :

Parc de l'ancien musée Dubois Boucher

Horaires & Tarifs :

Accès libre

Atelier jeune public

Mercredi 13 février

Le portrait… Un art de commande !

Atelier jeune public
Mercredi 13 février

Le portrait… Un art de commande !


Le portrait sur commande était un moyen de subsistance pour les sculpteurs au XIXe siècle. Vous répondrez à la commande d'un peintre, d'un politicien, d'une danseuse... et ferez son portrait. Sera-t-il assez flatteur pour satisfaire votre commanditaire ?


Crédit photographique : Atelier de pratique artisitique au musée Camille Claudel. Nogent-sur-Seine, 2018 © Musée Camille Claudel

Practical information

Place :

10 rue Gustave Flaubert
10400 Nogent-sur-Seine

Horaires & Tarifs :



Public : enfants à partir de 5 ans


Tarif : 5€ par participant, 10€ le forfait 3 ateliers


Durée : 1h30


Places limitées, réservation conseillée par téléphone au 03 25 24 76 34 ou par courriel

Visite thématique

Dimanche 10 février

Camille Claudel et Auguste Rodin

Visite thématique
Dimanche 10 février

Camille Claudel et Auguste Rodin


Les œuvres du parcours mettent en évidence les années de profonde connivence et les liens artistiques entre les deux sculpteurs qui se rencontrent en 1882.


Crédit photographique : Camille CLAUDEL, L'Homme penché, vers 1886. Nogent-sur-Seine, Musée Camille Claudel © Yves Bourel

Practical information

Place :

10 rue Gustave Flaubert
10400 Nogent-sur-Seine

Horaires & Tarifs :


Durée : 1h


Tarif : 3 € en plus du billet d'entrée au musée


Places limitées, réservation conseillée par téléphone au 03 25 24 76 34 ou par courriel